Paper: Bazzill, Homespun Chic...Embellishments: Homespun Chic, Machine Stitching :)
...for the last couple of weeks Camryn has been dealing with a wiggly front tooth and she's looked like this...

...she's tried to pull it out...I've tried to pull it out...her auntie has tried to pull it out...her dad threaten to pull it...but it just wouldn't come out the rest of the way!

...by the weekend it was still dangling...and food was getting stuck...she wasn't wanting to eat too much...she was hiding out in her room because she was tired of me asking her if it was out yet...and the gum was beginning to get quite red...so it looked like it was time to call the dentist. I kept telling Camryn if it didn't come out we were going to have to call him and he was going to have to pull it...I was wondering how that was going to work since she wouldn't open her mouth for me...so we headed to the dentist looking like this...

...feeling very nervous with LES in hand...(really its LPS but Dad misread it and it stuck lol)

...she wouldn't take her eye off the hygienist...she really wanted to see what she was up to and what she was planning on doing...

...she prepped Camryn's gums and got her all ready to pull that tooth out!

Yeah! Glad she finally got it out. We are still waiting on Jamie's first one. One of these days we need to get these kids together before they get all grown up! :)
What a weekend it was too! Glad I could be a part of it and take her to the dentist.
Can't wait for the next loose tooth!
OH wow! I am so glad she got it out - and look at your pictures! super job!
That is the most beautiful card I've ever been given or seen. Thank you so much. It means the world to me. Lots of love to you. Your on my mind always!
I also love that dangle tooth. It's amazing how they should come out, and just wont and ends up we have to take them to the dentist to finally get it taken care of. *HUGS* Glad she finally got it out.
That is how Meg's last several teeth were...the dentist had to pull them!
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