I can't believe I'm the mom of a 9 year old!!!
This morning we were able to head down to the pond and get some Fall pictures...

...and even one of my parents...

...and a couple of family shots too...

...after "photos" we headed out to lunch...originally Ben wanted a BBQ for his birthday but plans changed yesterday late afternoon...I didn't mind too much since I still hadn't gone to the grocery store and it meant that I wouldn't have to prepare any food :) While out to lunch I was taking photos and my dad was just being so goofy...I couldn't get a single photo of him without a silly look on his face...then when it was Ben's turn for a photo, he did the same thing...I can't wait to do that LO...lately Ben copies everything my dad does and believe me some of the things aren't so good! lol

After eating we headed back to my parents - hung out for awhile and then Ben opened up his gift and we all ate some cake...which I decorated this morning...my mom wasn't feeling too good so I went over early this morning and helped out.

I think Ben had a fun Birthday...it was a bit different then what we normally do but he didn't seem to mind.
...and last but not least Week #27 Reveal @ Page Plans...

With Halloween right around the corner it was time to be SPOOKY!!! Can you believe that this is Ben...it was several years ago and he really wanted to be scary! I think he achieved that lol Camryn and Mason wouldn't even look at him!
Well it looks like we could have a couple serious surgeries in the near future to deal with so I may not be around for awhile...please keep my mom and father-in-law in your thoughts and prayers. Until next time...