Boy am I glad its over LOL...having to dress up 3 kiddos and keeping track of 3 of them is just a bit stressful! Yesterday morning when we woke up it was raining and it rained most of the day but then it cleared up and it was quite warm...especially compared to our chilly Halloween in Spokane last year...we had a quick dinner of Baked Cheese Jack-o-lanterns and Goblin Goo to drink...

This year for Halloween we had Indiana Jones, Wonder Woman and a Dead Biker Dude belonging to the group Dead City Choppers...

They were all SO cute!! Yeah, I am glad it is over, too!
Ok I am laughing...why are we as mom's always so glad this holiday is over..LOL...maybe because of the work invovled!
Kids look cute! Looks like you guys had a great time!
OMG!!! Look at Camryn, she's so Cute! And of course Mason is ALWAYS CUTE! :) Ben, he's just scary looking! Kind of like Jakob, still not sure why he wanted to dress up like that.
The kids were cute! Well maybe two of them, Ben was scary!
I'm glad it's over too! Was all stressed out getting goodies made for the kids.
Only because of my life right now.
Last night I was beginning to think you all wouldn't make it over before I fell asleep!
Cute, cute, cute :) You are such a good mom, making Halloween goodies for dinner. We had pizza :)
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