...four days away from all my obligations was a perfect way to DE-STRESS!!! ...so I hopped on a plane...

and flew to Vegas...where I met up with my friend...we met in 1997...during my first year of teaching...

...while living in Vegas...Charlotte and I had a little guilty pleasure...at the end of every week we went to Macayos and ate a TON of chips and salsa...and I always had one or two Pina Coladas...this trip included a trip to Macayos...I think we ate 4 bowls of chips...YUM!!! THE BEST chips and salsa EVER!!!

...not to mention our two trips to In-N-Out Burger and various other establishments!
...on Sunday morning we threw everything in the car and drove the 5 hours to Sedona...what an ADVENTURE! ...it felt like it took FOREVER to get there but we arrived and it was AMAZING...what a beautiful place...my favorite part of Sedona was the Chapel of Holy Cross...

...I never imagined the temperatures to be so cold...we went on a little hike around our condo...the wind nearly froze us to death!

...I have to say it was a bit scary driving up the canyon at 6000 feet in this crap...I knew once we made it past this area we'd be ok...Flagstaff was covered in snow as well...and there was still snow for quite sometime...but eventually it all disappeared...and the only one who was thrilled was Charlotte...she was {HAPPY} to see this snow and didn't even know how to drive in it...but she did awesome!

Charlotte...thank you for getting us home safely! <3 ya!!! It was a wonderful get-a-way...I feel recharged...the worse part about it was I ate WAY TOO MUCH food...now I need to work it off!