Monday, August 4, 2014

Don't Give Up...

Recently, I listened to Stuart Scott's speech at the 2014 ESPYS'...I'm sure many of you listened to it as well. Bits and pieces of it really touched me, "Our life's journey is really all about the people who touch us..." I've listened to this speech now more times than I can has made me cry every single time. I couldn't agree more with this part, "Don't give up, don't ever give up..." This holds true for all of us with anything we may be doing in our life. Always repeat to yourself those words. They may be the most important words ever in your life's journey.

Cancer is a word we hear every first experience with cancer...I was young and my grandpa was to far away for me to see how it can destroy the person you are until it is to late. He died of pancreatic cancer - very quickly in 1992.

By the third time I had to experience cancer...I was much older and it was with a friend...our friendship did not survive.   At that same time my dad was diagnosed with Brain Cancer, GBM to be exact. When listening to Stuart Scott's speech..."...I'm not losing...I'm fighting...I'm  not losing. When you die, it does not mean you lose to cancer. You beat cancer by how you live...why you live...and the manner in which you fight like hell and when you get to tired to fight lay down and rest and let someone else fight for you..."

If it wasn't for others helping others the people fighting couldn't do it..."This whole fight, this journey thing, is not a solo venture...this is something that requires support." In Stuart Scott's speech he said, "I can't ever give up, because I can't leave my daughters." my heart I know that also was a driving factor for my dad...

My sisters and dads daughters...I know he was proud of all of
back then and he was fighting for us!

My Dad literally had some miracles along the way during his journey. He was a fighter and out lived his expectancy, surprised his doctors numerous times.

I miss my dad like crazy! It brings me to tears just typing this...but that's just how important this is to build awareness for brain tumors. In hopes that one day no one will have to feel this kind of emptiness and pain...or go through what my dad went through.

I do not consider myself a TRUE runner. Though I do run and I have been getting myself ready to run the Columbus Half Marathon.

The Columbus Marathon & Half Marathon partners with Team Breakthrough: Team Breakthrough helps the American Brain Tumor Association advance the understanding and treatment of brain tumors  and of course I'll be running in honor of my dad. Please consider making a small donation here every little bit helps and it really goes a long way... find HOPE and INSPIRATION every where...I have found HOPE and INSPIRATION again here in Stuart Scott! I continue in my life's journey...I'll continue to look for those people who touch me and continue to not give up! Also remembering that those where the words my dad always said to me! "Don't Give Up!"

Me and my Dad...right after a soccer game...heading back to the car...
this picture was taken in the early 90s. I picked this one to share as part
of my DON'T GIVE UP post because...during my High School soccer days,
I broke my ankle twice, after the 1st time, the doctor told me I shouldn't play again...that was
devastating news for me...I LOVED soccer! ...what did my
Dad tell me, "Don't Give Up!" ...I didn't...and continued playing...I even
played intramural when I went off to college.

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