...as you read this I am getting ready or have already left for the weekend...I'm running my 1st 1/2 marathon on Saturday morning...I can't believe how nervous I am - I've been training for the last 20 weeks...I've had an injury for the last 15 and I been going to the Physical Therapist 2x a week for the last 4 weeks...I have been so determined to do this that I haven't let my injury get the best of me...I ran through one pair of run shoes and I'm working on another - I have ran nearly 400 miles since the middle of May and as of this morning I have lost a total of 10 pounds so thats a added little bonus to my training! THANK YOU to my mom who made me a very special card wishing me luck tomorrow and Mona my big sis who sent me some very pretty flowers all the way from New Jersey wishing me more luck :D
Good Luck! We're proud of you! Let us know how it felt :)
Wooohoo! I can't wait to hear all about it!
The card is fatastic!!
Good Luck on the run. Can't wait to read about it :)
I hope you did great on your run! Love the gift card holder!
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