...but we survived...I even got a quick nap to try and get rid of my headache...but it didn't really help...
...this morning I'm off to work...my first sub day of the year...working tomorrow too while my friend is in California at a scheduled doctors appointment...many prayers being said for her...I'm a bit anxious to hear how her appointment goes...
...this afternoon I hope to come home and finish this post and share about the weekends activities...BOY WAS IT A BUSY WEEKEND!!!
...this is not how we expected to start the weekend...by picking Camryn up from school early...we received a phone call from the school saying that there had been an accident on the playground...the swing that Camryn was swinging on had broke and the chain fell and hit Camryn in the head...and to be honest when I heard those words I wasn't quite sure what to expect when I got to the school...I knew how BIG those chains were and how HEAVY they were...but when I saw her I knew that she definitely had her guardian angel with her at that moment...

...Saturday morning we were all up bright and early to walk in honor of Tom...in the 4th Annual ALS Walk at Columbia Park...Uncle Ted had some really special shirts made for the family and we all {LOVED} them. Team Dezember raised over $3100 in just two weeks of collecting money...I hit my goal of $500, Ben, Camryn and Mason all went WELL OVER their goals and Stuart was SO CLOSE...just $55 short of making his goal...just between the 5 of us we raised $1450.00...and that's because yesterday Ben received a very nice email from a family in Florida who made a recent donation in Tom's name. We want to {THANK} everyone who donated in Tom's memory...your donation to the Walk to Defeat ALS® allows the ALS Associate Evergreen Chapter to provide programs and services to families affected by ALS and fund global, cutting-edge research. Donations can still be made at {

...Saturday night...Ben's football team had a tailgate party...LOTS of fun!!! ...and LOTS of food!!!

...after all that fun and food then it was time to warm up and get ready for the game...

...Ben had a great game...all of his Uncles and Aunts were there except Uncle Ted and Aunt Ashley but I am pretty sure if I had tickets to Seinfeld I might have missed the game too ;) ...and Uncle Marc...but he had to take Madi to her soccer game in Spokane so that was a good excuse to not be there too...so we forgive him as well ;) ...Marc we know you guys wished you could be there!
Ben got to be the kicker this game...and he even got an extra point conversion as a receiver! GO BEN!!!