Saturday, October 2, 2010

...A Strawberry Shake will do it...

‎...last night after all sports practices...(keep in mind we left the house at 3:45 and the last practice ended early at 6:30) we took the kids to visit my dad...and take him a strawberry shake...not because he was craving it...but because I had heard he wasn't eating...I asked my mom to ask him...if there was anything he could have right now what would it be...because I'd bring it to him...hoping it would help him to eat something...anything...he said nothing...but then finally he said he'd like a strawberry shake...and well that's what he was going to get...and I must say I have the most amazing kids...not once did they complain...they didn't even say anything when we went through the drive thru at Bomber's and they didn't get a shake...they knew this was for Papa...once we got to my parents Dad was laying in his chair...just like he usually is...and he says in his best hello voice Hello Mason walks in the door...he asks Ben if he worked hard at football because he was still in gear from head to toe...and then he moves onto Camryn and asks her all about her soccer practice and asks her if she's still playing well...she answers in her usual whisper voice...YEP! Then my dad pulls out his RAIDERS book and starts talking about the Raiders Football Team from years know when they used to be good...and I sit across the room and watch...and stare and just think that he is just AMAZING....not once ever complaining...not once ever trying to get attention from others...just always facing this ugly beast head on...staying strong and doing what needs to be done. Don't get me wrong...he has bad days...he has cancer for heavens sake...prognosis was 15 months...he's doing his best to prove them 13 days my dad will have stage 4 brain cancer for 7 months...its been a hell of a fight...a fight that he will win! ...he was told he wouldn't even get his hair back after raditaion...but that's back! It's coming in quite nicely I might add :)Yeahhhh for hair...we can and should celebrate the little things right?


Margee' said...

Yep! He's a fighter! Never complains except when it comes to his meds.

He's what holds our family together, our ROCK!

Savannah O'Gwynn said...

WOW! Bless your children--that is so sweet of them to spend time with your dad (and not complain). I know that must be hard on them--my grandpa was ill while I was young. It was hard to understand! I love that your dad is a fighter--Praise God that he is doing well and has come this far!! God will continue to watch over you and bless your family! We will continue to pray for a healing--Psalm 30:2 {I called to you for help, and you healed me!!}.

Great post:)

Jen said...

Hey Girl - I miss chatting with you and I stopped by tonight to say "hi"!

What super kiddos you have and what a lesson they are learning about how to care and love others -you guys have been through so much :( I wish I was closer to offer some help in some way.

Hugs to you!
