Mason had his First Day of Preschool! He couldn't wait to get to school...once we got there the first thing he did was pass out his teacher gifts without any prompting from me...he was so proud. He followed directions perfectly and when his teacher rang the bell I told him it was time for me to leave. He gave me a great big hug and kiss goodbye and out the door I went.

...last but not least, Ben finally got to ride the bus to school!

Starting Friday, both Ben and Camryn will ride the bus together in the mornings. Camryn will come home by herself and Ben will come home later in the day. I can't believe my kiddos are growing up! They are so independent which makes things so much easier, but its still a little sad :(
Over the weekend we got moved into our new house...we are still trying to unpack - so far all thats done is the kids rooms and toys but since they have been living without their "stuff" since April I wanted to do that first. I have some of the kitchen done and then I just couldn't help but get started on my "New Scrappin' Space" I even made two cards this afternoon after lunch since Camryn and Mason took a short nap. I can't share those just yet, but...I can share some other wonderful scrappin' news...I was asked to join a LSS DT...we had our first meeting this evening...and finally this afternoon the internet was connected and when I checked my email I had almost 40 messages to go thru...I had a request for one of my recent LOs for the upcoming 'A Scrapper's Year' Idea Book...this is Kimber McGray's and Summer Fullerton's NEW BOOK with Memory Makers...I can't wait to see this in print!!! This book is going to be AWESOME. Kimber posted there is going to be like 70 some designers in this book.
they all look so happy to be going to school. glad everyone had a great day. Glad you are getting settled and hope you can relax a little.
Renee...you daughter is absolutely beautiful!!!! Glad you are getting settled :)
Great photos Renee' - good luck getting settled in :)
Yep! Last weekend was a busy one for all of us! Glad you're finally in a new home!
Yep! the kids grow up too quickly, but don't be sad, you'll have some time to yourself finally! Enjoy it!
congrats on your LO being in new book, that's great!
The kids look so cute! Congrats on getting them all settled in school and getting a few hours to yourself...I can only imagine :) (Ok...so I have been dreaming...LOL)
Congrats on the new gig at the LSS that's going to be super fun! and super congrats on the publication!
Awe . . . Camryn looks so Cute in her new pretty dress! :) SUPER Congrats on your TOOT for Kimber and Summer's book!
Hope Cami liked the dress I helped you make for her.
yes...mom, thank you for doing the serging...
Great photos of the kiddos; they are so darn cute!
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